Legal Assistance
1791 Gulick Ave
Fort Stewart, GA 31314
Phone 912-767-8809 / 912-767-8819 / 912-767-8185 (Claims)
Phone (DSN) 312-870-8809
Fax 912-767-3548
Fax (DSN) 312-870-3548
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thur 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sat, Sun and Holidays - closed
Legal Services
The services available to Soldiers, their Families and Retirees fall into two broad categories-Legal Assistance and Claims.
The Legal Assistance Office provides legal advice on a wide variety of legal issues. These include, estate planning, wills, powers of attorneys, adoption, divorce, child support, child custody, immigration and naturalization, security clearance revocations and suspension, consumer law, credit and indebtedness, probating estates, assistance to the Families of Fallen Soldiers and Wounded Soldiers. A complete list of services may be found in Army Regulation AR 27-3. Legal Assistance does not provide advice on military justice issues, employer-employees issues and only very limited advice on bankruptcy. Some issues can be handled on a walk-in basis such as Power of Attorney, Ad Valorem Tax forms and Notarizations. Other issues are taken by appointment only which include wills and activities requiring an attorney.