Base TLF
Scott Inn
1510 Beech Street
Building 1510
Scott AFB, IL 62225
Phone Numbers
Phone 618-256-1844
Phone (DSN) 312-576-1844
Fax 618-256-6638
Fax (DSN) 312-576-6638
Please contact the inn for a detailed list amenities.
Pets - A limited number of "pet-friendly" TLF units are available. Members requesting a pet-friendly unit should request it at the time of reservation. The copy of the pet's vaccination records will be required at check-in along with adherence to all guidelines established by the Scott Inn. A fee per night is charged.
Reservations - Personnel who are in Permanent Change of Station (PCS) status, or bona fide house-hunters on permissive Temporary Duty assignment, may make reservation requests with the Lodging Office up to three months in advance of the date of arrival. Reservation requests are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis without regard to rank. Personnel or their sponsors, who are PCSing to Scott may make the request for reservations. A copy of PCS orders must be provided to the lodging office before or at the time of registration.
House-hunters must provide a copy of their permissive TDY orders or leave authorization, as well as a copy of the PCS, retirement or separation orders at the time of registration.
Reservation requests accepted by the lodging office cannot be confirmed until a space is available. Seven days before arrival check with lodging office to determine the status of your reservation request