Check In \ Processing
829 Armistead Street
Bldg 430
Pope Army Airfield, NC 28308-2404
Phone 910-394-2538
Phone (DSN) 312-424-2538
Fax 910-394-4346
Fax (DSN) 312-424-4346
Inprocessing Procedures
Each squadron is responsible for inprocessing of personnel. They will schedule you for all your appointments. When you arrive at Pope, the first thing to do is report to your squadron Orderly Room and sign into your squadron. You should make it a point to meet the First Sergeant and Commander and then your supervisor. They are "key" people designated to help you during this transition period. After that you will be given specific instructions as to what to do next.
The unit orderly room and/or the military personnel flight will set up all your inprocessing appointments. They are there to ensure all your needs are taken care of during your inprocessing. Your appointments will include, but are not limited to, Pope Newcomers Orientation (an introduction to Pope AFB and the Fayetteville community), the opportunity to meet with the wing commander, finance briefing and various other agencies. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your sponsor, unit orderly room or the Customer Service Center, Military Personnel Flight.
Getting Married Enroute
If you get married before you PCS, you must inform your commander and follow the procedures exactly as you are given them. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures.