Check In \ Processing
Welcome Center 
Building # 329
Owen Road
White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002
Phone 575-678-6767 / 575-678-1502
Phone (DSN) 312-258-6767
Fax 575-678-6789
Fax (DSN) 312-258-6789
Inprocessing Procedures
Newly arriving Soldiers will report to the Military Personnel Division (MPD), located in Building 465, Room 134. Should you encounter any difficulties or have any questions upon your arrival, contact the Staff Duty Office, Bldg 1417, 575-678-8999. This office is open 24 hours, seven days a week. Personnel arriving after duty hours, report to the Staff Duty Office, Bldg 1417, Phone 575-678-8999.
Soldiers arriving at WSMR will receive a convenient and short in-processing. Enlisted soldiers PV1 through SFC can expect to in-process in 5 workdays, MSG through CSM and officers can expect 2-3 workdays to in-process.
All Soldiers are required to report to the MPD, Building 465, Room 134 for in-processing. You will need to present the following documents:
- 5 copies of orders with amendments (if applicable)
- Leave Form, DA Form 31 (if applicable)
- Military Personnel File (MPF), with SGLV and DD93
- All finance records
- Medical and dental records
- Promotion packets of all SPC (E-4) and SGT (E-5) in promotion status
- Copy of latest Officer Record Brief (ORB)/Enlisted Record Brief (ERB)
Sponsorship is available. If you do not have a sponsor, one will be assigned by your new unit to assist you during in-processing and while getting settled at White Sands. If arrangements are made in advance, your sponsor may be able to meet you when you arrive at the airport or bus depot. If your sponsor can not meet you and you arrive in El Paso by plane, report to the Military Liaison NCO at the airport and arrangements will be made for transportation to White Sands. If you arrive by bus in Las Cruces, the depot attendant will assist you.
If you need information on obtaining a sponsor please contact your unit or our Army Community Service Relocation Readiness Program Manager at 575-678-1337/DSN 258-1337.
Installation Newcomer Briefings
Installation Newcomer Orientation Briefings are held the second Wednesday of every other month in the training room of ACS, building 250 from 0900 to 12 noon. The 2015 dates are: April 8, June 10, August 12, October 14 and December 19. Briefing is mandatory for all military personnel new to the Installation. Civilian supervisors to include contractors are strongly encouraged to have their employees attend. Spouses are strongly encouraged to attend as well. Free childcare is available through Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS). Childcare must be reserved at least twenty fours in advance. Contact CYSS at (575) 678-2441 to make a reservation. If your child is not registered with CYSS up to date shot records must be provided to obtain care. For any questions, please call the Relocation Readiness Program Manager at (575) 678-1337 or DSN 258-1337.