Legal Assistance
Legal/Claims Office
460 Steen Blvd. Ste. 201
Bldg 307
Grand Forks AFB, ND 58205
Phone 701-747-3606
Phone (DSN) 312-362-3606
Fax 701-747-4766
Fax (DSN) 312-362- 4766
Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Weekends and Holidays - Closed
Legal Services
The Law Center, operated by the 319th Air Refueling Wing staff judge advocate, provides general legal assistance on civilian non-criminal legal matters. These services are provided to all active duty members, family members, and retirees.
Legal assistance is responsible for military justice, civil law, operational law, claims, and legal assistance programs. It provides legal advice to all commanders and staff agencies, active duty members, their families, retirees and reservists. Legal services include:
- Powers of Attorney
- Notary Service
- Legal assistance
Claims Service
Newcomers can file claims on damaged household goods shipped by the government with the carrier, or with the center's claims staff. The on-line claims service center, carrier, or center’s claims office must receive the DDForm 1840R, which is provided by the carrier, within 70 days of the delivery date.