Schools & Education
Gulfport School District
2001 Pass Road
Gulfport, MS 39501
Phone 228-865-4600
Fax 228-865-4718
Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sat, Sun & Holidays - closed
Public School
There are currently no DODDS School on NCBC Gulfport. There are many fine public and private kindergartens, elementary, middle, high and vocational schools on the Gulf Coast.
Mississippi :aw states tjat military families that live on the Seabee base can choose to enroll their children in any school district adjacent to their home base. That means their children can go to schools in Biloxi, Long Beach, Harrison County, or they can choose to remain in Gulfport.
If a military familiy chooses to enroll their child in a neighboring school district, the law states that the parents have to provide their own transportation to and from school.
Registration Requirements
Schools along the Mississippi Gulf Coast generally begin the second week in August and dismiss for summer at the end of May. To enroll your child in Mississippi Public Schools, you must present the following:
- A Mississippi Compliance Form-take your child's shot record to the Harrison County Health Department (228-863-1036), a community physician, or to the CBC Branch Medical Clinic Immunizations Section (228-871-2810, then press 5) to obtain a compliance form.
- Child's social security card.
- Certified copy of child's birth certificate.
- Two proofs of residency-acceptable proof-deed, lease agreement, parent/guardian drivers license with Mississippi address, utility bills.
- If you are entering school mid-year, we recommend you provide samples of your child's work from your most recent school. Also, report cards, progress reports, current IEP, withdrawal documentation from previous school, and standardized test scores if possible.
Contact the school's administration office to confirm what documents are needed for registration.
Students transferring from a non-accredited school, or from home-school into Public School must take the appropriate placement tests as determined by school officials.
Age requirements for Mississippi Public schools by State Law are:
- Kindergarten -Child must be 5 years old prior to 1 September
- First Grade - Child must be 6 years old prior to 1 September
Children's shot records must be transferred to a MISSISSIPPI FORM 5 before the child can begin school. This can be done at the base Medical Clinic's immunization clinic. Bring the child's current shot record and medical records with you to accomplish the Form 5.
Transferring within and outside of Districts
Call the appropriate school district for their policy on school transfers within the district.
State Law requires that if you move out of a school district and you elect to keep your children in the previous district, then you must pay tuition.
Checklist for Transferring Parents and Students
This will help your child get properly scheduled for classes and activities. Some parents aren't familiar with the difference in grading systems, acronyms on transcripts, state testing requirements, etc. This checklist will help the schools on both ends better serve the child.
From Military Child Education Coalition Transition Counselor Institute
Sending School Checklist:
1. School Name
2. School POC (counselor, registrar, etc.
3. POC's e-mail address
4. School Complete Mailing address
5. School area code and telephone number
6. School FAX number
7. Course Description Book
8. Copy of cover of each textbook (shows title, edition, authors, etc)
9. School Profile/Handbook and web site address (URL)
10. Attendance and Tardy Records
11. Report Card with grading scale
12. Current Schedule
13. Withdrawal Grades
14. Transcript/Course History (with grading system)
15. Class Rank
16. Cumulative Folder
17. Testing information, such as Standardized Test Scores, End of Course Tests Scores, Competency Test Scores
18. Health Records including shot records
19. Birth Certificate
20. Social Security Number
21. Activities Records such as co/extracurricular
22. IEP/504/Gifted/ESL Records
23. JROTC Records
24. Guardianship/Custody Papers
25. Fees Owed
26. Alternative School Records
27. Letters of Recommendations (especially for senior students)
28. If available, writing samples
29. If available, At-Risk or Action Plans for classroom modifications
30. If available, Portfolios
31. If available, Accelerated Reader Points
32. If available, Service Learning Hours
33. If available, other work samples or performance assessments
34. Academic Recognitions and competitions
Receiving School Checklist:
1. Proof of Residency/Military Orders
2. Course Description Book
3. Copy of cover of each textbook (shows title, edition, authors, etc)
4. School Profile/Handbook and web site address (URL)
5. Attendance and Tardy Records
6. Report Card with grading scale
7. Current Schedule
8. Withdrawal Grades
9. Transcript/Course History (with grading system)
10. Class Rank
11. Cumulative Folder
12. Testing information, i.e. Standardized Test Scores, End of Course Tests Scores, Competency Test Scores
13. Health Records including shot records
14. Birth Certificate
15. Social Security Number
16. Activities Records such as co/extracurricular
17. IEP/504/Gifted/ESL Records
18. JROTC Records
19. Guardianship/Custody Papers
20. Fees Owed
21. Alternative School Records
22. Academic Recognitions and competitions
23. Letters of Recommendations (especially for senior students)
24. If available, writing samples
25. If available, At-Risk or Action Plans for classroom modifications
26. If available, Portfolios
27. If available, Accelerated Reader Points
28. If available, Service Learning Hours
29. If available, other work samples or performance assessments
School attendance is based on where you live, unless parents are sending children to a private school.
School Liaison Office
The School Liaison Officer's main objective is to serve as a link between parents, educators, and the command so the military-connected child can have a smooth school transition. Other duties include creating partners in education, home school linkage, post secondary preparations, act as a conduit connecting educators to Navy deployment, and to serve as a subject matter expert for education related issues. Call the Liaison Office at 228-871-2117, DSN 312-868-2117, or Fax: 228-871-2539.
Local School Districts
The Gulfport School District is the public school system for students living within the city of Gulfport. The Gulfport School District has been recognized as a SACS/CASI Quality School District and has been assigned the overall assessment level of Highly Functioning, which is the highest level of accreditation and indicates that the Gulfport School District has met the accreditation requirements for the Commitment to Continuous Improvement standard.
The web site for Gulfport School District covers school locations, menus for each day, handbooks, schedules for the current year, and all other information necessary to feel informed.
Harrison County School District
The uniqueness of the Harrison County School district is reflected in the location of its schools in a variety of large and small communities within the county but not located withing city limits. Each of these communities possesses a neighborhood atmosphere in which the school serves as a focal point. The culture, goals, and values of each community are respected and valued by school personnel. This appreciation of the community allows diversity; yet parents, teachers, and students across the district share a common focus. Together they work to provide the best education possible for the individual child.
Progress in this district is reflected through a technology enhanced curriculum, which addresses the needs of the individual child, a wide range of extra curricular activities, a diverse and successful sports program, and building programs, which are on-going to meet the ever growing student population. A greater emphasis on education throughout our state is beginning to produce results in the Harrison County Schools. As we strive to work closely with parents, teachers and the community, continued improvements are certainly expected.
Other Questions
1. If I live in base housing can I choose which school district my children will attend? The school districts require a student to attend the school designated for their residence. All base housing students attend the Gulfport School District.
2. Which school is best to attend? Each parent and child must decide which school best meets their needs. Visit prospective schools either personally or via the internet.
3. If I know where I will live, how can I find out which school my child will attend? If you are not sure which school district you reside in, ask your realtor or contact the school liaison officer at 228-871-2117.
4.Do the schools offer a preschool program? Only a few school districts have a pre-k program. They have qualification requirements and fees involved. Our base Child Development Center, 228-871-2323, offers a full pre-school program.
5. Can I home school in Mississippi? Yes, any parent is permitted by law to teach his or her own children in a home instruction program. The state has a minimal amount of regulation that families must follow to legally home school. By September 15, of each year, parents are required to submit a certificate of enrollment for each child age 6-17 by September 1. Call the local School Attendance Officer for more information, 228-539-5582.
6. Are there support groups for home school families? Yes
7. Are there private and parochial schools near NCBC? Yes, there are many religious and secular schools located in South Mississippi.
8. Is there a checklist for transitioning my special needs student? Yes. You need to bring your students current IEP, copies of all comprehensive assessment-eligibility reports, student work/report card along with the documents mentioned under public school information. Each state may have different assessments and terminology. You will need to contact the LSC (local survey chairperson) at your child's new school.
Home Schooling
Mississippi Home School regulations are available online.
Mississippi does not require testing or teacher qualification for home schooling, however there are laws stating that the home school must offer legitimate home instruction. All regulations and laws are listed on the above web page.
Adult Education
Non-resident service members and family members will be able to pay in-state tuition rates in Mississippi.
Most schools in Mississippi serve only children and adolescents between kindergarten and the 12th grade. For thirty years, the Gulfport School District has lengthened its vision to include parents and other adults in the community.
Gulfport was a pioneer in establishing the first Literacy Program in Mississippi and individuals, businesses, and organizations have referred students to this Reading Program through the years. No other Adult Education Program in the State has earned a better reputation for success in providing one-on-one instruction to adults who cannot read.
Community Education served as an umbrella for vocational courses, recreation and enrichment, adult education, GED preparation, a GED testing center, and a literacy program that served adults below the 4th grade level. The program matches needs in the community with resources in the community.
Community Education is a unique public relations tool and has provided an immeasurable amount of community good will for the School System. Thousands of citizens have earned job skills and are successful in the workplace as a direct result of this program. Lives have been enriched and tax dollars have been stretched as citizens personally used the schools that their tax dollars supported. Our world is a better place because the Gulfport School District believes in lifelong education.
Visit the following web site for additional education opportunities.