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Whiteman Air Force Base

Warrensburg , Missouri

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Schools & Education

School Liaison Officer 
750 Arnold Avenue
Whiteman AFB, MO 65305

Phone 660-687-7132
Phone (DSN) 312-975-7132
Fax 660-687-1053

Mon - Fri – 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Sat, Sun, Holidays – closed

Students who attend our local schools are special, and their attitude towards school, classmates, and teachers is unique. The community is education-oriented, and there is a serious approach to studies. The friendly, relaxed and professional atmosphere at each school in the district helps students feel important.

Public schools normally start the second to third week in August and run through the last week in May with the standard holidays being observed; however, you should check with the school in particular for the actual dates, they may vary.  All public schools in the local area are considered exceptional schools, with great concentration upon the basics.

Whiteman has numerous school districts around the base. State law requires a child to be five years of age on or before 1 August. Birth certificates are required for children enrolling in the school for the first time. State law makes it mandatory for parents to present sufficient evidence that the child has been protected against polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, red measles (rubella) and tuberculosis (PPD Mntoux). Children will not be allowed to start school until necessary immunizations have been obtained and actual dates of those immunizations have been provided to the school. It is very important to hand carry shot records, DO NOT ship the records in household goods, your child cannot be enrolled without them!


Bus transportation is provided for K - 12 if the child lives 1 mile or more from the school. Please check with the individual schools to determine their rules.  Transportation is provided to all children with special needs no matter of their proximity to the school.


Children are welcomed to bring in their own healthy lunches in from home or take advantage of the school lunch program.  Free or reduced rates for school lunches are available of lower income families.

Before and After School Programs

Before and After School Programs are available through the Whiteman Youth Center as well as being offered in our various school districts.  Please see school district homepages for more information.


A large variety of sports programs are available in the local school districts.  In the Middle Schools these would include:  Boys Basketball, Boys/Girls Track, Football, Girls Basketball, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country and Wrestling.  In High School, these generally include:  Football, Girls Tennis, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, Softball, Fall Cheerleading, Winter Cheerleading, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Baseball, Golf, and Cross Country. 

Exceptional Children Programs

All district schools assure that they will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction.  Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, mental retardation/intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay.

The district assure that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians.  Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child.  Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Home Schooling

Home Schooling is popular in the local area.  You will find great cooperation within the districts and a wonderful network of parents on Whiteman to help you get started.Here's some information to help you get started.

Home schooling is one of the options available for meeting the state's compulsory attendance law, Section 167.031, RSMo. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does NOT regulate or monitor home schooling in Missouri. Neither the State Board of Education nor the Department has the authority to issue regulations or guidelines concerning home schooling.

For more information from DESE:

The current statutory provisions for home schooling can be summarized as follows: 
According to section 167.031, RSMo. a parent or guardian of a child, between seven and seventeen years of age, shall cause the child to attend regularly some public, private, parochial, parish, home school or a combination of such schools. 
Any parent may educate a child at home. The parent does not have to have a teaching certificate or meet any education requirements. 
If a parent decides to home school, he or she shall offer 1,000 hours of instruction during the school year, with at least 600 hours in the basics, which will be in reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. At least 400 of the 600 hours shall occur in the home location. 
A completed credit towards high school graduation is defined as 100 hours or more of instruction in a course. Home school education enforcement and records pursuant to this section, and sections 210.167 and 211.031, RSMo, shall be subject to review only by the local prosecuting attorney.

A parent who is home schooling a child must maintain the following records: 
a. A plan book, diary, daily log, or other written record indicating the subjects taught and the activities engaged in with the student; 
b. A portfolio containing samples of the student's academic work; 
c. A record of evaluation of the student's academic progress; or 
d. Other written or credible evidence equivalent to a, b, and c.

The school year is defined as beginning July 1 and ending the next June 30.

Children with disabilities attending a home school program may receive special education services provided by the local school district, in accordance with Section 162.996 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri and State Plan for Special Education. 
Each parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the child who causes his child to attend regularly a home school may provide a declaration of enrollment stating their intent for the child to attend a home school to the recorder of deeds of the county where the child legally resides, or to thchief school officer of the public school district where the child legally resides, within thirty days after the establishment of the home school and by September first annually thereafter.

Sections 162.996, 167.031 through 167.071, and Section 210.167 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri provide the framework for home schooling in Missouri. 

Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) -

Part-time public school students' eligibility for participation in athletics and other extra-curricular and co-curricular activities: The Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) regulations govern student eligibility for participation in many extra-curricular activities involving interscholastic competition. Member school districts must follow MSHSAA regulations to be eligible to participate in MSHSAA sponsored or sanctioned events. Local boards of education generally adopt policies and rules governing student participation in extra- and co-curricular activities not regulated by the MSHSAA.


Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: Homeschooling
Regulations for home schooling in Missouri

Heartland Home Educators - (660) 429-5559

HOME SCHOOL WORLD: Missouri Homeschool Groups

Missouri Homeschool Law - HSLDA| Home School Laws

The Home School Mom

Home School Reviews

Time 4 Learning

Families for Home Education (FHE)

Local Schools

Knob Noster School District

The Knob Noster School District has an enrollment of approximately 1,650 students grades K-12. A broad spectrum of special services and programs supplement a comprehensive curriculum.

Knob Noster School District was among 294 districts in the state to earn Designation by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.  The criteria include students' scores on the Missouri Assessment Program exams, graduation rates, attendance rates, college placement, and participation in career or advanced courses. 

There are no DODDS schools at Whiteman. The elementary school on base is owned and operated by the Knob Noster School District. Knob Noster also has one elementary school, one middle school and one high school located directly in Knob Noster. 

Parents enrolling students for the first time in Knob Noster Schools must present a copy of immunization records, social security number, and enrollment records from the previous school, including course schedule and withdrawal grades. Information on special education needs must be provided so I.E.P.s and a diagnostic summary may be obtained. All students must meet attendance requirements as outlined in School Board Policy. Students enrolled are required to be immunized against Diptheria, Polio, Measles, Rubella and Hepatitis B. All immunization requirements must be met before a student can attend school. Parents must provide current emergency contact telephone numbers to the office.

Grading Scale (4.0-point scale)

A 95 - 100    A- 90 - 94      B+ 87 - 89

B 83 - 86      B- 80 - 82      C+ 77 - 79

C 73 - 76      C- 70 - 72      D+ 67 - 69

D 63 - 66      D- 60 - 62      F Below 60

I Incomplete or delayed grade

Additional School Districts nearby: Warrensburg, Sedalia

Private School

Most private schools in the area are denominational based, but students are accepted from all denominations. There are other private schools in the Kansas City area, but they are far from the installation. There are also a few military academies in the area. More information is available upon request from the Whiteman Airman and Family Readiness Center's School Liaison Officer, 660-687-7192. The schools in the area offer an excellent education.

Adult Education 

The focal point for all education programs at Whiteman AFB is the Base Education Office, 660-687-3592. Information pertaining to financial aid is available to all personnel, and tuition assistance is authorized for active duty personnel.

Special Education/EFMP

Personnel arriving with an Exceptional Family Member-Medical issues should contact the EFMP-M Office, 660-687-6032, upon arrival. Appointments are required. For EFMP-Family Support or School Liaison issues, please contact 660-687-7132. Schools in the local area offer exceptional main-stream educational opportunities for special needs.

Homes Near Base