Schools & Education
APG School Liaison
Building 2752
Rodman Road
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Aberdeen, MD 21005-5001
Phone 410-278-2857
Phone (DSN) 312-298-2857
Fax 410-278-4658
Fax (DSN) 312-298-4658
Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Sat and Sun - closed
Holidays - closed
Children moving into the community during the school year or during the summer should register as soon as possible. An open enrollment exists for students who may be moving into the community; however, parents should make an appointment in advance with school officials.
At the time of registration, parents are asked to present the child's birth certificate and immunization record. Also, parents should present proof of residency (electric or phone bill, or a valid builder's contract with date of anticipated completion or for APG military personnel, a statement from the housing office).