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Do`s and Don`ts of Packing

You've found the perfect home.  All the paperwork is completed, plans for the kids are set, plans for the pets are set.  Everything is good to go.  Well, almost everything.  Now comes the tedious task of packing up everything.    Where do you start? How do you pack certain things?  Oh my.  Here are a few of the Do's and Don'ts to help with your packing, to be less stressful, and more successful.


Don't: Underestimate packing time.  The amount of things you had when you moved in, isn't going to be the same amount of things you have when you decide to move out.  It's human nature to accumulate more things over time.

Do: Start packing many weeks ahead of time before the big moving day.  This gives you time to carefully go through and sort out what you plan to take and what you don't.


Don't:  Wrap glassware in newspaper.  That is, unless you plan to wash all your glassware when you unpack.  Newspaper can and will leave ink prints on the glass.

Do: Invest in proper packing material, especially the kind made for wrapping glassware and dishes.  It's more durable, and won't leave your dishes dirty.  


Don't: Think you will remember what's in each and every box.  Especially if you plan to utilize storage for a short time.

Do: Number and label each box, and keep a running inventory of what's in each box.  This will help when you are searching for mom's old cookbook with the simple recipes in it for those first few dinners.


Don't: Think you have too much tape on the bottom of a box. 

Do: Follow your instincts with what you plan to pack in a box.  If you feel you need extra tape to secure the box, go for it.  The cost of the tape is minimal compared to replacing the contents within. 




By Military Relocator