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Essential Oils for PCS


As a military spouse for the past 15 years, I have seen it all. The battles of moving, to the joys of raising a family and now starting a new career; these last few months have been the most beautiful this year.

    In the midmorning of spring, I had full confidence in myself on our Wellness Life experience. After speaking with several doctors and nutritionists to find a more natural alternative way of life, I finally found essential oils. I was excited as I was nervous, after all, how can oil with Passionfruit affect my mood or my body, that's what pills are for, right?

I am not claiming this will cure your ailments or to stop seeing your doctor, but if you want a more natural choice instead of the lab made side effects that you get from a pharmacy; I say oils are right for you.

Oils are simple:

    Peppermint aroma is pure joy, that’s why everyone drinks peppermint mocha lattes from Starbucks. However, this is a much different kind of peppermint and it's not treated with sugar or chemicals but simply pressed and liquefied into an oil. The amazing effects of peppermint help to assist with upset stomachs and provides a quick pick me up with the peppermint beads. Upset tummy on that cross-country PCS simply add a few drops to water or mix with a carrier oil and rub on the stomach. Spider issues at the new house? Mix with water and spray the baseboards and window seals.

    Looking for a quick energy boost? I love diffusing lemon, or well any citrus in fact.

Lavender is everyone’s go to when its late at night, rub onto the soles of your littles feet and before you know it they’ll be snoring.

After spending 3 years in Twenty-nine Palms I almost forgot about my allergies…that is until we PCS`d to Camp Lejeune. Oh, the south how I curse your torturous pollen.  A drop of Eucalyptus oil in the shower or diffuser clears me up instantly.

Meleluca or Tea Tree Oil can be used to make homemade cleaners.

1.       Mix a 50/50 combination of white vinegar and distilled water

2.       Add 15 drops of Tea Tree oil

3.       If you are like me and again love lemon, then add 10-15 drops of lemon (or whatever scent you prefer).

Those are just a few of my personal favorites.

    I love these oils; I love the effects it has been showing with my family of 5 kids unless you count my husband which would make it 6. Jokes aside my family loves these oils almost more than myself.

    It has been a life-altering experience for my daughter and I. We spend our nights staying up enjoying a glass of wine and hosting lively essential oil education classes, while diving into the world of wellness experience. We connect better now than I could have imagined. Our family has always been fortified and united in our outstanding values. A few include, honor, our faith not only in ourselves but our country. My husband is a United States Marine, and our sons are Soldiers in the Army. With the stresses and hard work these careers take on the body, oils have significantly improved their moods as well as their health. We not only have been able to feel better but have become better with our nutrition and exercise choices.

If you are a new or a seasoned military spouse, the best advice I can give from my experiences have always been to expect the unexpected; oils have helped me from relieving my stress to the actual aches and pains.




* is an affiliate of doTerra. 




 Contact info:

Sherree Pagano

doTerra Wellness Advocate

FB: sherreepagano

Phone: 808-748-9780